Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Extra Credit Assignments 1 & 2

EC 1: For your first extra credit opportunity of the semester, you will be asked to attend the Sawako Nakayasu reading on Thursday, September 2oth @ 7:00PM in the Callen Conference Center in the Smith-Curtis Building of Nebraska Wesleyan University. Afterwards, you will write a 300 word response to the reading. Specifically, you must select a phrase or poem that you found meaningful or interesting & compose a reflection on why those words resonated with you. As such, you should be jotting down a few notes while she reads so as to better remember those aforementioned selections. This is not a narrative of the event. DUE: 09.27.07.

EC 2: For your second extra credit opportunity of the semester, you will be asked to watch David Lynch's most recent cinematic release, Inland Empire. At some point during the movie, one character says to another "In the future you will be dreaming." Reflect upon this phrase within the context of the movie. What do you think the phrase means with regard to the scene? Additionally, how could you interepret this line with regard to your own life. A response about not understanding the phrase or movie will not suffice, nor will a plot synopsis or "explanation" found on the internet. DUE: 12.07.07

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