Tuesday, October 14, 2008

UPDATE: 10.14.08

READING: For Thursday's class, please read Envision chapters 1 and 2, which, as always, can be found on Blackboard. For Tuesday's class of next week, read chapter 3.

WRITING: After reading chapter 1, develop three nuanced questions (by "nuanced," I mean one that not only requires more than a "yes-or-no" answer, but also will serve to stimulate class discussion); do the same for chapter 2. Once you have three question for each chapter (6 total) upload them to your blog as a single post. DUE: Thursday, October 16th @ 1:00PM.

For your second writing assignment of the week, embed a video clip from tomorrow's (Wednesday, October 15th) presidential debate; you should be able to find them on Youtube shortly after the debate is over, but watching the entire program will make you (maybe) a better person, and definitely a more informed voter. Select ONE question that was asked of the candidates and, using SPECIFIC examples from the clip, and in a 500 word response that contains 2 hyperlinks, demonstrate how each man employs logos, pathos, and ethos. Furthermore, explain what rhetorical arrangement each of them uses. Finally, think about how the context of the event (I use this term in the broadest manner possible) affects the audience. Keep in mind, this question does not in anyway ask for your personal opinions or political views. You are to analyze the segment you choose rhetorically; in fact, the audience of your blog should not be able to tell from your response which candidate you favor. DUE Tuesday, October 21st @ midnight.

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